Eleazar Harash The Aware Choice – on the occasion of the Beginning of the Year 2025. New Year’s message for the Trembling Souls

The Aware Choice – on the occasion of the Beginning of the Year 2025 – New Year’s message for the Trembling Souls
We shall make one New Year’s message for our Souls, for the Trembling Souls and for those who follow our things.
So, here, on Earth, the big question is: Which reality will you choose - Satan and the world, or God and the Master – i.e. Love, Wisdom and Truth. It is not Satan and evil, which bring us peril, but our choice, our path, our way of thinking. The Sages, the Initiates and the Masters gradually transfigure people by removing them from this other reality, called the world, or knowledge. Because knowledge is not Love and therefore, it is death. The Secret of the answer is concealed within the heart of the disciples. People wonder at the world: what kind of reality is this. And the awakened and aware ones follow the Way of the Master, i.e. Love, Wisdom and Truth, and they transfigure this old deluded Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which has lost Love. And otherwise, there is much knowledge. The way of knowledge is fatal. Here, Satan leads people and they accumulate experience, but experience without Love, and this is a failed experience, until they awaken at some point in time. This world is one separate and peculiar reality, a made up reality, and God knew that Satan would create it. But God always walks ahead of the world and this made up… and ahead of this made up reality, and He waits for the person’s awakening. Because this is a reality without Love, without a Way and without an Essence. But within people themselves, there is one Concealed Reality and through it, if they hear it, they (can) strive internally, in a powerful and pure way, towards God and the Master. And then God will begin to separate them from the world and He will resurrect the Essence of the Soul and of the Spirit within them. The battle of these two realities, of the world and of God, is within the person, and in the Way of the firm choice of the person, it depends which way they will go: towards God and the Master, or towards death. Where God and the Master have entered, death dies, evil dies and the world dies, and only God and the Master remain – the Pure Primordial Reality. This is it.
31.12.2024 г.
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- Eleazar Harash The Aware Choice – on the occasion of the Beginning of the Year 2025. New Year’s message for the Trembling Souls
- Excerpts from: Al Marahiya – From Veneration towards Mystery by Eleazar Harash
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